10 Steps for Effective Marketing for Health Coaches

10 Steps for Effective Marketing for Health Coaches

When it comes to coaching, you may sometimes feel like you’re wasting time and energy crafting Facebook posts. That only your college roommate and mom give thumbs up to? It’s not fun, I know. But, for promoting your health coaching business, you need online marketing. However, Marketing for Health Coaches can be amusing. However, only if you are using the right strategies, that’s when it’s effective.

Like any other coaching business, marketing your coaching is a way to let the word out about what you do. It can include workshops, webinars, guest posting, and all that.

Steps for Effective Marketing for Health Coaches

Market Your Health Coaching Business

Furthermore, for effectively market your health coaching business, here are some things you can try:

Holding In-Person Workshops

Nothing is better than going on as an expert, live in front of an audience. These kinds of workshops can help you build trust with your audience quickly. Since you are speaking live, you have the opportunity to interact with your audience and create an instant reputation. You could take some time to answer their questions and engage with them. That way, they could connect with you and hopefully become your future clients.

After the session, be sure to collect the email addresses of your workshop attendees. It allows you to follow up with them after the event. Later they are more likely to purchase from you in the future. A great tool that indeed can help you in managing and promoting live events is EventBrite.

Online Webinars

Online Webinars


Just like workshops, webinars are live appearances online that you can hold through proper channels or with people who are in the coaching business just like you. It helps you build authority and trust with your viewers. Additionally, they are the best source for raising brand awareness. Furthermore, it will help in Marketing for Health Coaches like you if you are new to the coaching business. Finally, it is a low-cost way to provide high-value information to potential clients.

Online webinars are perfect promotional tools, which can double as a list-builder. What happens is when people sign up for your webinar also being added to your email list. That way, you gain a new subscriber, and your subscribers get new high-quality content. A win-win situation for everyone, right?

When you join or hold a webinar, you’ll want to promote it on your social media and run a Facebook ad to have people sign up. However, if you have an email list, you will want to let your subscribers know about the webinar and encourage them to share the link with their friends to let the word out.

Include Opt-ins with your Blog Posts and Guest Blogging

Most health coaches write blogs and guest postings. You can add an opt-in option for all the relevant topics you post online to add people to your email list. This way, your readers can become your clients. The best way to keep those posts engaging is to give out as much information or tips as you can. This way, they will more likely opt-in for an email chain and possibly buy your coaching program. You can add specific, actionable tips or strategies they can quickly implement to make your blog more engaging.

You should also try to include an image to make your opt-in, so it can stand out more, making it more eye-catching, instead of just a simple design. Make sure also to add a clear call to action, so readers know what to do.

If you have a website, you could add a popup opt-in through a popup plugin on your website. You should add that option to your sidebar and on the homepage, too, for extra exposure.

So once you have your blog post ready, post its link to your social media to let people know about what is in it. Try to share your post a few times a month, could help you get the word out and get new subscribers quickly. It is the most effective way for Marketing for Health Coaches.

Social media also have scheduling options, so you schedule posts for the future. However, you can use other apps for a scheduling tool, like Hootsuite, which is an excellent option for scheduling posts on social media.

Redirecting your Website Visitors

You may know this marketing strategy where you can capture information of people that visit your website. With that, you can show them your offer multiple times and eventually invite them to your program. However, sometimes people intend to sign up for your request, but they get distracted and forget about it due to some reason. Using some retargeting apps like Facebook retargeting pixel, you could refocus your ads on those people to invite them to your program again. It is one of the new ways for Marketing for Health Coaches you can try.

Using this method, you’ll be able to create a “custom audience” of your website visitors, whom you can show your ad. In addition, the displaying of ads this way usually costs less than targeting an audience that is new and more likely to ignore the ad, which is a huge plus!

How to set it up? There is a step-by-step guide to “How to install Facebook pixel” on YouTube to check out for instructions. If you have a web developer, they can take care of this for you without any hassle.

Using this strategy, you’ll be able to build a highly targeted list around the clock. Sending traffic to your website through promoting your blog posts, free offers (opt-ins), and everything else is a part of this strategy.

Run Facebook Ads to Your Blog Post and Free Opt-In

Run Facebook Ads


The Facebook promotion has become more effective in past years. It is why you should run your Facebook ads to promote your blog posts on social media and offer a free opt-in option. It is excellent Marketing for Health Coaches just like yourself. Even though you can encourage both together in one post, it is better to do it separately. The reason is that you are targeting people who already have joined your email list, and your ads to promote opt-ins would be wasted on them.

As far as blog posts are concerned, they need both opt-in and blog post promotion campaigns to get exposure. Here, you should make sure that the opt-in must be relevant to the blog topic. For example, you cannot add an opt-in designed for 5-minute meditation to the other blog about the five pantry makeover list. It is a moot point here, a cow’s opinion, meaning it doesn’t matter.

People interested enough to read your blog create something they can get to give you their email address. Always choose to optimize for “clicks to website” as your goal, which costs way less than “conversions.” This strategy works very well when it comes to Marketing for Health Coaches.

Since Instagram and WhatsApp are under the leadership of Facebook, you can also promote there. Instagram has more success rate for coaches and influencers than Facebook.

Ask People to Share Your Free Offer

One of the most efficient ways to market is to ask other people to share your offers. As a health coach, you may know few influencers or fitness professionals with their list of followers on social media. However, you can always ask them to help you promote your courses. Maybe you can offer some assistance or do something else for them in exchange for a shout-out. Therefore, what friends do you know could help promote your free offer? Make a list now, and start contacting your old acquaintances.

Hosting Your Own Facebook Group

Even though Facebook groups are old, and some of their features are not there anymore, owning your own Facebook group is a plus point for your subscribers. It is a fantastic way to establish yourself as an authority and gain new clients in the process. Even today, Facebook groups are a way to connect to people and an excellent way for Marketing for Health Coaches that you need. Through Facebook groups, you can present valuable content to your members without any organic reach concerns of Facebook fan pages. As a result, most online coaches have gotten their first clients through Facebook groups.

You can experiment with different types of content herein Facebook groups. For example, testing links, photos, videos, and infographics increase the engagement rate, allowing you to connect with people more personally and powerful. This way, you can determine which type of content resonates with your audience.

Facebook groups are easy to set up, and they can be a fantastic way to build a close-knit community that will get to know each other and trusts you. On special occasions, you can promote one of your programs or services without any hassle, but don’t overdo it. Keep it once per quarter for better results.

Running a Contest

You can use websites to hold a contest where you can give away a certain number of free enrolment programs in exchange for people sharing the game on social media. One such website is contestdomination.com, which is relatively easy to use and set up. It will expand your reach and help you find out who is interested in your program. Additionally, it will help you build your email list at the same time.

Going Live in 3, 2, 1…

Livestreaming with Facebook Live or Periscope, or any other program, is a great way to get in front of people to share helpful tips that they’ll surely appreciate. Here, try to keep your live streams to under 10 minutes to make them easy to watch. At the end of your broadcast, you should include a call to action about signing up for your free offer about your program. Alternatively, you could redirect them to the signup page of your program. This way, you can gain a few subscribers and clients quickly.

Be a Guest Coach or Star

Writing a guest post for good publication sites like MindBodyGreen, or Elephant Journal, or health and wellness websites, you can include a link to your free offer or signup page (if permitted, of course), which is an excellent strategy for Marketing for Health Coaches.

On the other hand, you can also be a guest star on a podcast is related to health, which would be a good fit for your target market. Most hosts will let you mention your free offers on their show. However, just in case, check with them first, before the podcast. Moreover, if you can’t say it, it will still be great exposure for you.

So, what are you waiting for?

No matter where you are in your list-building plan, the best time to take action is now. Begin actively engaging and growing your list today. Pick one strategy at a time, work on it, and after succeeding in it, move to another one. Moreover, one by one, you will have conquered the marketing ideas that we discussed. You will then be proud of the booming health coaching business you created. Whether you have a list or not, or just a small list, you can begin to develop an influential audience. With these Marketing for Health Coaches techniques, you’ll surely gain new prospective clients that will boost your coaching business. Keeping in tradition for effective marketing and do now scenario, revamp your coaching business today like it’s meant to be.