SumoMe Review: What can the WordPress SumoMe plugin do for you?

SumoMe Review: What can the WordPress SumoMe plugin do for you?

WordPress is a dream come true for a lot of internet marketers. It allows non-techies do a lot of technical things.  A WordPress plugin called SumoMe promises a FREE version that will help you build your list all with the click of a button.  Is it true or do they just want you to upgrade? […]

Content Upgrade – Increase Your Opt-In Rate

Content Upgrade

The content upgrade technique is pure genius.  The phrase was coined by either Brian Dean from Backlinko or Clay Collins, co-founder of LeadPages, either way both gentlemen are very revolutionary when it comes to landing pages and email opt-in’s.  When they speak it’s time to listen up. I’ve tried the content upgrade technique with a […]

What Is A Call To Action (CTA)

What Is A Call To Action

Would you like to know the best way to get somebody to do something on the internet? Tell them to do it. Ever bought something or signed up for something or joined something after visiting a website? Chances are it’s because that website told you to do it. Is it really that simple? Yes, but […]

Online Marketing Strategy Basics

Online Marketing Strategy

Want to know the online marketing strategy basics?  I had a great interview with Mr. Nile Nickle of the Social Media Business Hour podcast where we discussed all the ways small business owners can start driving traffic and leads to their website. Nile’s favorite topic is social media marketing so we spent the first part of the […]

Essential Landing Page Elements

Landing Page Elements

Landing page design is a science. Online marketing professionals know what elements your landing page must have in order for it to convert traffic into leads. Watch this video to see if your landing page is everything it should be! Important Landing Page Elements Good morning, it is One-Click Lindsey with Today I wanted to […]

The 4 Essential Components Of An Opt-In Box

The Opt-In box is where you are asking a website visitor to give you their information, so it shouldn’t surprise you when I say it is the single most important aspect of your landing page!  It would be tragic to have spent countless time and money on content creation, advertising and search-engine optimization only to […]