We all know that when most people are browsing the web, they have the attention span of a two-year-old. Luckily, eye tracking software can tell us how the majority of users read a website. “The F Pattern” is the topic for today’s #whatiswednesday.
When most users read on the web they scan it in an F pattern. They will read a lot of your first line, less of your second line then they scan the remainder of the left hand side.
What does this mean for your site?
1. Make sure the top of the “F” on your site has your navigation and a nice compelling headline because you know people are going to see it.
2. Your website visitors aren’t going to read every carefully crafted word on your page, therefore the first few sentences should have the most vital information.
3. Have other key items that run down the left hand side of the page start with nice bullets or be bold and underlined.
Check out the attached image and go check your site to see if you get an “A” on having an “F”.