I Know Why Your Website Visitors Aren’t Opting In

You’ve heard me say it time and again that opt in email marketing is the most important thing you can do to grow your business. An important part of growing that email list is requiring users to opt in. They give you their email address and you give them a free offer like a white paper […]
Double Opt-in Is A Bag Full Of Gold

I’ve mentioned before how important a good email list is for your business. Every email that gets added to your list is bright sparkle rising up out of the sand as you pan for gold. It makes sense to scoop up every sparkle you see then, right? Well, a double opt-in is a process for […]
Your Email Marketing Open Rate
A successful email marketing campaign is one of the best ways to generate new sales. Today’s #WhatIsWedneday we will discuss a great way to judge how well your email marketing campaign is working, Email Marketing Open Rate. Email Marketing Open Rate measures how many people on your email list actually opened (or viewed) the email […]
Start Collecting Email Addresses Now
One of the most important things we can get from a potential client is their email address. Watch this video to find out why.
Kindle Fire Giveaway – 3 Days Left
I will be announcing the winner of my Kindle Fire in 3 days (June 1, 2015) Make sure you get signed up for my email list that delivers online marketing tricks AND/OR register for my “Facebook Marketing That Works” FREE webinar on June 9th 2015 at 2:00 PST (Even if you can’t make it I’ll send […]
Kindle Fire Giveaway
Awesome online marketing tips & a Kindle Fire Giveaway… what could be better? Everyone who is on my email list by June 1 is entered to win. Sign up here: https://lindseysweb.leadpages.net/thethread-sign/