How To Use Quora For Marketing: Tips That Will Benefit Your Business

Social media marketing is a necessity this point, and the ways in which we harness the internet to gain traffic and leads are endless. However, with the social media sphere growing every single day, are we staying inside our bubble? There are different ways to get the same results that you’ve been getting from Facebook and Twitter but with the chance to reach a new audience that already knows what kind of questions to ask and what they’re looking for.

Derric Haynie—CEO for Vulpine Interactive, a social media marketing agency that helps exciting companies and startups build contagious brands that become so much more than social media-based posts—has all the information we need to know about Quora. Though Quora isn’t entirely new to the scene, it’s up-and-coming in the world of paid advertisements, and Derric gives us all the best tips and tricks we need in order to answer the “how to use Quora for marketing” question. Let’s get started!

how to use quora for marketing

How To Use Quora For Marketing and The CLICK Technique: “C” For “Curiosity”

Before we get into the details of how to use Quora for marketing, we can’t forget to talk about The CLICK Technique! The CLICK Technique is a system I’ve invented that helps small businesses and business owners increase their traffic and leads with a simple, five-step process. Each letter in the word “CLICK” stands for a different action one must take in order to climb the business ladder, and when put together, this process is proven to give guaranteed results. On top of that, it’s free to sign-up!

In the case of how to use Quora for marketing, we’ll be focusing on the first “C” in the word “CLICK”, which stands for curiosity. Before you start your process, you need to make sure that you’re appealing to the masses—and your target audience—by piquing their interest. When you pull in new users, you need to make sure that you’ve got something that makes the reader curious about what you do. That curiosity will lead them to your website, and from there, the rest is history! It all starts with knowledge and making sure that you’re able to tap into their curious mind in order to bring them to your site.

Quora is a perfect example of using curiosity for the better! How to use Quora for marketing becomes an easier question to answer once you’ve figured out what you need to be answering. Quora is full of people who already know the answers they want, so tapping into that already harvested curiosity is important in making sure that you’re giving them the content they need, while also pointing them in the right direction, where they can find more information pertaining to the subject they were initially curious about!

How To Use Quora For Marketing: The Top 3 Tips

When it comes to the question of how to use Quora for marketing, we need to break it down into steps. What Quora can offer is vastly different from most social media sites that are all about advertisements and generating a high volume of quality leads. Quora is the world’s largest question and answer site—they reinvented the platform, truthfully—that boasts over 100 million active users per month! That’s a lot of potential traffic if you as me.

How to get these eyeballs to your page, however, is something that might be a struggle if you’re unsure how Quora works, and how to use Quora for marketing is something that’s easy to understand once you learn the ropes. By combining search intent with social media components, Quora is a viable option for paid advertisements, as well as successful audience outreach.

Tip 1: Promoting Your Own Content While Retaining Value

Arguably, the best part about Quora is the chance to input your own content to help other people with their struggles. Since the website works as an ask-and-call service, you can use Quora’s search feature to see what people are saying about your specialty. That way, finding the audience that’ll respond to what you have to offer is easier than ever before and interacting with them won’t feel tedious or uncomfortable.

Using the content you’ve already created, whether it be a blog post you’ve already written or information from a podcast you’ve recorded, you can answer the most viewed questions on Quora that relate to the topic you’re an expert in. With some refashioning, you can copy and paste your own content to answer the struggle they’re going through!

The best part about answering questions like this is that it leaves you space at the end to insert a promotion for yourself. After finagling with your answer and crafting it to help this person specifically, you can encourage them to find more information by backlinking to your website or your blog post where you continue to discuss the topic on a deeper, more in-depth level.

The way this works with Quora, however, depends on the amount of “upvotes” you receive on your answer. The answer with the most “upvotes” rests at the top of the screen, being seen before anything else. Therefore, questions with answers that have a massive amount of votes won’t get you the traffic you’re initially looking for. You have to make sure that you’re reaching your audience by making sure you’re at the top of the list.

Since Quora’s main growth channel is based off of Google organic search, you’ll also be ranking first in Google’s search results. So when people use Google before using Quora, they’ll see your answer not once but twice, giving you an even bigger chance to gain more leads, visits, and clicks to your site.

However, the most important thing to remember is that you’re answering the question that’s offered in the most complete and thorough way possible. Quora punishes people for simply using the answer feature as a way to spam backlinks, and it will happen quicker than you think if you’re not careful. Backlinking is acceptable, however, so long as you’re providing additional value for the users as well as answering their questions to the best of your abilities.

Also, when answering questions try to avoid answering a large number of questions with the same copy and paste answer or the same links that you might’ve been using for other posts. You want to make sure that you’re there to provide content and information first, and the added bonus of letting people use your blog posts and website as a way to figure out their own answers comes second. These combined make how to use Quora for marketing seem like a simple plan!

Tip 2: Utilizing The Power Of Paid Advertisements

Like most social media websites nowadays, Quora also offers the use of paid advertisements! While they might not rank as high volume as Google, Facebook, or Twitter, they still offer significant opportunities and tend to work well in the world of SAAS. How to use Quora for marketing is a multi-faceted question, and combining the power of authentic content with paid traffic is simply the beginning.

Since there aren’t a lot of advertisements on Quora, you’ll be able to find a good deal on the cost per click, giving you an edge up on your competition. Since Quora is growing at an accelerating rate, you’ll want to make sure your foot is in the door first, giving you the chance to get the most out of it before the price goes up, and the competition is steeper.

The quality of traffic you can gain from advertising on Quora is also very high! Here, you have a site full of people who already understand what they’re looking for. They get it, for lack of better words, and are asking the right questions. Through these advertisements, you can send them to a blog post or a video of yourself expanding on the topic they’re already curious about, giving you both interesting and high-quality leads as well as traffic you can count on.

Tip 3: Target The Right Audience

How to use Quora for marketing is a question that’s made easy with Quora’s targeting options! You can choose to target a specific audience by topics, keywords, and individual questions. The topics will help in terms of the broader spectrum—as it was stated in the first tip, you can search for the topics you’re an expert on to find the questions people are asking the most. From there, you can get to answering and providing the best content you can, while still driving traffic back to your website through backlinks.

Keywords allow you to get a little more specific and be able to answer questions that no one else has yet—or better yet, that no one else can. Capitalize on that and make sure to provide them with valued content!

The newest feature is targeting people through individual questions. If you know that there’s a specific question you’ve already answered that gives you a lot of traffic already, you can create a custom ad for that exact question. Giving yourself an opportunity like that is an amazing chance to target the exact audience you’re looking for. You can link them to your own blog posts or landing pages and give them specific content that relates exactly to what they’re looking for.

Additionally, a retargeting pixel on Quora is available now, making the question of how to use Quora for marketing rather easy to answer. We know that in the high value, B2B lead space, you want to get in front of someone at any touch point you can. With this in mind, you can generate ads across all social media accounts—LinkedIn, Facebook, Quora, Twitter, etc—and retarget everyone who’s visited your site across all these platforms. Once someone visits your site, there’s a large chance they’ll have seen one form of your advertisements, giving you an appearance of being bigger than you might actually be.

How To Use Quora For Marketing: Be Smart, Just Like Your Audience

In the end, how to use Quora for marketing is something that relies entirely on making and repurposing authentic content to give people the answers that they need. The Quora audience is smart—they’ve already got questions, and they know the direction they’re heading in without a doubt. Making sure to answer the things they cannot answer on their own in a way that gives them valuable information as well as the chance to learn more through your own services is something not a lot of social media websites can offer! It makes Quora unique and is definitely worth a try for people who’re looking to gain new and high quality leads.