A fist bump, a vote of agreement, a bookmark or “similar to a Facebook like.”  What exactly is the “favorite” function on Twitter and what should it be used for? Find out on today’s ‪#‎whatiswednesday‬.
I bring this topic up because I had a client that wasn’t seeing a ton of engagement on Twitter. Come to find out, she was only using the “favorite” function when she came across a Tweet that she wanted to reference later. She viewed this function similar to bookmarking an item in her web browser. Her stinginess with clicking “favorite” on Tweets was limiting her success on Twitter, and it will for you too.
Here is a quick list of the most popular sentiments that you can communicate on Twitter by hitting the ol’ favorite icon on a Tweet.
- I like the content of this Tweet.
- Hey thanks for tweeting this, it’s great info.
- I like you, Uncle Don, nice to see you on Twitter!
- I see that you have retweeted my post, thanks!
- This particular tweet really made me FEEL something.
- Fist bump – BOO YA!
- I will favorite this because I want to be entered in your drawing and you told me to.
- This is a great tweet, but not good enough to retweet.
- I want to check this out later when I have more time.
- I saw a star and clicked on it. I’m not sure what I’m doing.
(If my Mom favorites one of your tweets, this is what she’s telling you.)
Don’t be stingy using the favorite function on Twitter. It’s an excellent way to get noticed and interact with the tweetosphere. The more interaction to initiate with others, the more they will interact with you!