8 Ways to Promote Your Business Online

8 Ways to Promote Your Business Online

No matter what kind of business you have, you can always benefit from the promotion. Letting people know about your business is the first step in getting them as a customer or client. There are many ways to promote your business. Advertisements, billboards, even newspapers. 

Here, we will look at using the internet and its capabilities of reaching almost everyone who is connected online as a way to promote your business.

Social Media

There are some options available for a price that can certainly help the process, but even without those, you can still make a big impact. This post goes in depth about some of the different social media options available. Whether you already have a well-established business or are just starting out, using these methods of promotion is sure to give you a leg up in the business world.

Almost everyone has a Facebook account nowadays. People share everything they like, and they “Like” a lot of things. If your business appeals to them, a share or a like can go a long way in getting more clients. Making a Facebook Business account is something any business with an online presence should do.

Snapchat and Instagram are also popular social media circles, especially if you’re selling a product and can post pictures and images of said products and services.

And, of course, there’s LinkedIn, which can help grow your network with other people in the industry. Making business connections can have amazing repercussions for both you and any other business you click with.


YouTube is the second most popular website on the internet, and it’s no surprise given the amount of content available. If you can create content for YouTube in the form of videos, you can gain a massive following and potentially turn those people into clients for your business. You don’t even need expensive video equipment, as you likely have a smartphone that could function as a video recorder well enough to put some interesting videos out.


We can’t talk about the second most popular website without talking about the first most popular, and that is Google. Being able to be found quickly and efficiently on Google can make or break some businesses. If you have a lot of competition, you have to be able to stand out from the crowd. If you’re more niche, you need to be able to be found more easily by people searching for things related to your business. You should provide as much information as you can to Google to improve the chances of potential clients finding you.

Google Search Engine

Offer a product or service for free

There could be many people who are interested in your business, but perhaps they want to see what you have to offer first before giving you their patronage. If you can offer them a small sample of your product or service for free, it can very well entice them to become a paying client. Make sure you get their information upon giving the free product so you can stay in touch with them. Perhaps even a group product could do well to get multiple customers at once.

Write a Blog

A blog is among one of the simplest things you can do, yet it can have complex applications. It provides a forum for you to disseminate information to your clients, or give a quick rundown of the type of business you do. Work on good SEO (search engine optimization) so it will be easier to find. It’s also a very good place for customers to talk amongst themselves so you can see what they really think about your business and what’s really important to them. It might surprise you that they like one specific aspect of your business that you hadn’t thought much about, but now that you know it’s important to them, you can put more effort into that area of your business.


E-mail can be tricky. There’s a lot of spam nowadays, so you need to make sure your e-mail campaign is not sending info straight to the junk folder. Provide good information, let the customer know about any specials or sales, and get them to come to your business. An e-mail is one of the best, simplest forms of getting a regular customer to come back. If they’ve not been back in a while, send them a nice, special deal that they won’t be able to resist, and they’ll remember why they chose you in the first place.

Create Infographics

Infographics are amazing tools that can quickly and efficiently provide lots of information, and they are very visually pleasing. Sometimes you can have the most important data in the world, but if it’s not presented in the right manner, it might not make it to the people who need it the most. Using an infographic can help you put out everything your business does, and depending on what type of business it is, you can use the infographic to make it funny, serious, heartwarming or anything else you want to elicit from your customers.

Offer coupons and discounts

Some people might never consider patronizing a business, but if you give them a special deal, they might hop on it as if you were going out of business. A simple coupon or discount can be enough to get people to consider you over your competitors, and that can make all the difference. It might not seem like much, but sales and specials really bring customers in that otherwise might not have ever even stepped in the door.

There are many more things you can do to promote your business online. With so many internet users, you have several options in getting your name out there. It’s best to use multiple forms of contact instead of just relying on one or two methods. The more of them you use, the more chances you will have to get customers to come to your business, to have them tell their friends about you, to have them come back for more again and again.