Today, I appeared as a guest at the Contractors Secret Weapon Show where I talked about Google Pay Per Click Instant Gratification with Dave and I shared how I got to be One-Click Lindsey.
Google Pay Per Click and One-Click Lindsey:
I started out by narrating my specialty as It’s pretty similar with Google Pay Per Click. I have specialized in getting people to make that one click on websites. With just one click, one can get vital contact information from the visitors to the websites. Most of the time people are not ready to make an initial contact. They are just looking around at a contract just like they would be looking for a plumber or painter just to see the options that they have. The best thing you can do then is to try and get at least their contact
information such as an email.
How I become One-Click Lindsey:
I got to be called One-click Lindsey by a chiropractor client who we shared an office building. He wanted me to run a traffic and leads campaign for him. It took a while before we got some substantial leads and he was kind of impatient. One day, I made some changes to his landing page, and a stream of leads came in. He reacted by saying, “If it isn’t One-Click Lindsey!”
Google Pay Per Click is Better Than Facebook Ads:
Google pay per click is a game changer for contractors. It is a better option than Facebook ads, though you can use both in conjunction for a superstar type of campaign. Most people when looking for contractors go to google and search for them. The best place to be is on the google maps or the organic listings. They get clicked on 8% of the time. I normally recommend contractors to run and do SBO campaigns in the background so that they can get to the top seven of the Google maps. This is how one gets all the leads. Google ads is also an amazing platform that you can make use of.
To get more tips about google pay per click options, check out the podcast.