Who, What, When, Where & Why & How. Simple questions, but do you know the answers when it comes to the people visiting your website? If not, you’re missing a valuable tool in you online arsenal. If you want the answers then check out today’s ‪#‎whatiswednesday‬.
Google Analytics will track WHO came to your website, WHAT pages they clicked on, WHEN they were there, WHERE they came from and WHY they came. It will also tell you HOW they are accessing your site, such as on their desktop computer or smartphone. What is the best thing about using Google Analytics to track this information? It’s free and easy to set up. It should take somebody with a little technical know-how less then an hour to setup.
Don’t feel you have time to analyse the data right now? Install it and start tracking anyways. That way, when you have the time to get really serious about your online marketing, you will have mountains of data on who your audience is, and how to turn that into more customers!