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What Entrepreneurs Are Saying About Lindsey Anderson:

“This is exciting Lindsey!! I’ve sold 14 group coaching clients just since the beginning of the month. Total revenue is $25,913 in 2 weeks. It’s working!”

“Lindsey just wanted to let you know I’ve now closed 3 new coaching clients in a week. $10,000! This process is working!”

“So… 21 new coaching clients signed up! Thanks for all your help!!”

Karin C.

Business Coach For Real Estate Agents

Bobbi P.

Relationship & Dating Coach

Caesar K.

Discipleship & Missional Coach

About The Author: Lindsey Anderson

Lindsey Anderson is an online business consultant, 20+ year digital marketing business owner, best-selling author and podcast host. 

She is the founder and CEO of The Build And Monetize Agency, the premiere marketing agency for coaches.

Her specialty is helping coaches, consultants and experts profitably sell more programs, courses and memberships.


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