When you start to get serious about online marketing, you will start hearing the phrase “lead magnet.” It is an essential tool in your web marketing arsenal. Find out more about this tool on today’s‪#‎WhatIsWednesday‬.
A lead magnet is something you are willing to give your website visitors in return for their information (name, email or maybe even phone number or address.) It is called a lead magnet because the theory is you create this valuable item and it will magnetize leads to you.
Below are some examples of lead magnets:
Free Report
White Paper
Free Webinar/Seminar
It’s important to start collecting emails so you can start doing some email marketing. The development of a lead magnet is the most effective way of doing this.
Want an example? Â Go here www.lindseysweb.com and check out my Lead Magnet for my FREE Online Lead Generation Roadmap.