Today, let’s delve into the transformative strategy of how to leverage podcast interviews for your online business. I’m joined with special guest, Lyndsay Phillips, and in this episode, we break down how to use podcast interviews to attract premium clients and fill your marketing funnels.

Guest Introduction:

Our expert guest today is Lyndsay Phillips, a seasoned professional in podcast guesting and strategic business development. Lyndsay, a former VA turned content marketing firm owner, specializes in podcasting. Her mission? Empowering clients to extract maximum value from podcast appearances while enhancing their industry authority.

How to Leverage Podcast Interviews For Your Online Business: Key Takeaways:

The Power of Podcast Guesting:

Positioning Yourself:

Show Notes Mastery:

Content Repurposing:

Podcast Leveraging System:

Key Quotes:

Resources Mentioned:


Implementing these powerful strategies will transform a single podcast appearance into a goldmine of content for your online business.