How To Create Coaching Content That Gets Your More Clients

How To Create Coaching Content


Struggling to get more clients for your online coaching business? Well, I’m going to show you how to create coaching content that actually works.

Let’s face it—when posting your coaching content online, it can often feel like shouting into the void.

We all know the feeling. You start by putting a great offer out there. It might be an irresistible deal on your coaching program or a spot at your exclusive webinar.

And then you wait … and wait … nothing. Crickets.

Where did you go wrong?

Here’s the thing. A nice offer isn’t enough when it comes to landing new clients. You’ve got to woo them. And that means you can’t just plaster any old content online and hope that the product or service sells itself. You need great content.

How do you craft great content consistently? I’ve got a formula that makes content creation a cinch. Let’s check it out!

How to Create Coaching Content Using the VEMS Method

Here’s an acronym that will help you create top-notch coaching content whenever you put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard):


The VEMS method involves four simple steps: vibe, experience, method, and skills.  It’s critical that these four factors show up in all of your online coaching content, whether it’s a blog post, YouTube video, or Instagram post.

If you keep this formula tucked away whenever you sit down to flesh out your coaching content ideas, you’re going to reel in more clients.

Let’s take a closer look at each of these factors and how you can seamlessly weave them into all of your online coaching content.

1. Vibe: Attracting the Right People for Your Coaching Business

When looking for an online coach, the options are virtually endless. The reality is that there are thousands upon thousands of coaches floating around online.

There are coaches for weight loss, business, parenting, and almost every niche imaginable. Of course, your niche matters when it comes to attracting the right type of client, but you know what also matters?

Your vibe.

What is vibe, exactly? It’s your personality; it’s the characteristics that make you unique. And it’s important that you figure this out before fleshing out any more of your coaching content ideas.

So, take some time to think about how you want to present yourself. How do you want clients to see you? What personality traits feel most genuine? What’s your calling card?

And guess what? When you’ve found your vibe—the one that feels authentic, consistent, and most natural to you—it won’t be for everyone. In fact, you’re probably going to turn away a bunch of people once they know what you’re really about … and that’s OK!

Take it from me—I know that my exuberant, type-A personality isn’t for everyone! But I know that it is for some people and those are the clients I want to attract. 

You don’t need to worry about attracting every last client. You just have to be able to attract the right clients—the clients that are a good fit for you and your business.

And that’s what makes your vibe so important when it comes to crafting content. Sewing your vibe into your content so that it shines through every time you put something out allows you to filter coaching candidates right from the jump.

Those who check out your content and don’t fall in love with you will simply move on. But those who get you and are attracted to your vibe—these are the people that are more likely to become high-quality leads for your coaching business. And that’s exactly what you want!

Figure out who you are, show up like that every time, and make sure it shines through in your coaching content!

2. Experience: Putting Your Credibility on Display 

Putting Your Credibility on Display


The next factor you need to weave into your coaching content is your experience. The good news is that there are all sorts of creative ways to showcase it:

  • Online courses
  • eBooks
  • White papers
  • Case studies
  • Qualifications
  • Certifications
  • … and more!

And these are all great options! You can and should be sharing these things with all of your potential clients.

But perhaps the best way to tell potential clients about your experience is to let some of your other clients do the talking.

The truth is that what you say only means so much because, well, let’s face it—you’re trying to earn someone’s business. You want them to hire you as their coach!

A few glowing testimonials, on the other hand, can instantly boost your credibility.

And you know what’s great about testimonials? They’re actually really easy to get. In fact, you probably have more of them than you think.

Remember, a testimonial doesn’t have to be a formal write-up about your business. It can be a simple response, a comment, or an email—virtually any kind of feedback!

Dig through your inbox, DMs, and online reviews to see what your clients have had to say about their experience working with you. Then pick a few of the most glowing options to showcase in your content.

Unlike qualifications and other credentials, you can easily sprinkle testimonials into your online storytelling in a way that feels natural.

Start by telling a story about one of your clients—why they came to you, what the process was, and how easy it was for them see results. Then top it off with a photo or quote from your client!

You can share these types of success stories over and over. As long as you have happy clients, you can leverage those experiences to build rapport with more of your potential clients!

3. Method: Seeding Your Concepts Into Your Coaching Content

Seeding Your Concepts Into Your Coaching Content


There are all types of coaching methodology out there, but every online coach should have a clear coaching model—concepts, processes, and formulas that they teach to all of their clients consistently.

Several years ago, I put out a best-selling book on Amazon called The CLICK Technique. And you know what it is? It’s some of my methodology on how to help people grow their online coaching businesses. And it’s not even particularly groundbreaking material. In fact, it’s more Digital Marketing 101 than anything else!

But do you know why it’s successful? Because it works! And because it works, I am constantly looking for ways to share little nuggets of my own methodology in my content.

By seeding my methodology, I introduce people to some of the terms, phrases, and concepts that are used throughout all of my programs. So, when it comes time to sell, these people are more likely to “know, like, and trust” my brand. 

And guess what? You should be doing the same as you create coaching content. 

Don’t feel as if you need to share everything you know or give away all of your best secrets. You can save that for your paying clients!

But always be looking for ways to sprinkle some of your favorite buzzwords and phrases into your content so that people are introduced to your methodology early on.

The more familiar people are with your methods, the more ready they will be when it comes time to sell!

4. Skills: Knowing How to Create Coaching Content That’s Actually Helpful

As you’re sharing some of your methodology through your coaching content, make no mistake—people are going to hit roadblocks along the way.

Because of this, there are all sorts of new skills you’ll need to teach. Include them in your online coaching content!

Go back to The CLICK Technique, for example. The last step, the “K”, stands for “keep going!” Now, I know that there are all types of barriers that can prevent online coaches from moving forward—imposter syndrome, perfectionism, self-trust, and others!

But get this—I’ve already identified these as prime opportunities to teach new skills through my content. So, I’ll dedicate an entire Instagram post or a YouTube video to one of these issues. I’ll take the time to break it down and provide real value for my readers, followers, and subscribers.

This not only helps me to seed my methodology but it also helps me build trust with people.

And you can do the exact same thing! Take some time to comb through your methodology and identify some of the skills you can teach others.

I’ve found that this simple exercise alone can become a springboard for all sorts of new blog, YouTube, and Instagram content ideas for coaches. When you’re done, you’ll have a virtually endless catalog of coaching content ideas to draw from!

It really doesn’t get any easier than that!

Create the Coaching Content Your Future Clients Want to See

If you want to know how to create coaching content that helps you gain more followers, subscribers, and paying clients, start utilizing the VEMS method today.

By weaving your vibe, experience, method, and skills into every piece of content you publish, it’ll be that much easier to fill all of your coaching courses, programs, and retreats when the time comes to sell, sell, sell!

What about you? Do you have any other methods, tricks, or tips that have worked wonders for your online coaching content? Let us know down in the comments!