6 Reasons Why Photographers Should Use WordPress for Their Website

Photographers Should Use WordPress

WordPress has become popular globally as the most versatile content management systems (CMS). Websites and blogs of all types use the WordPress content management system. It is highly versatile as well. It allows you to create websites and blogs precisely as per your requirement. Customization is not a problem when it comes to WordPress. Even after so many different features, there are professionals of the opinion that WordPress is not the right content management system for them.

The truth is that WordPress is so versatile that it can be used to create any website like real estate, photography, corporate and so on. In fact, for some segments like photography, it is the perfect option. Many photographers think that HTML website provides them with a better chance of gaining and impressing the audience. The problem with HTML website is that it is too difficult to maintain. On the other hand, WordPress Website allows them to customize the look and portfolio as per their requirement. We will today share with you six reasons why photographers should use WordPress for their websites.

1. Design customization options

When you’re creating a photography website to display your portfolio, it should be unique. If it looks like hundreds of different sites out there, you might not be able to impress your clients. That is why; you need a website type which can be customized. The advantage of WordPress is that with the help of right themes and plugins, you can change its look in a jiffy. You can create the type of portfolio which you want. You can create a unique website.


There are hundreds of gorgeous WordPress photography themes available for WordPress. You can go with free as well as paid themes. You can customize these themes further. Most of them are responsive, which ensures that you don’t need to do anything extra to make your website mobile responsive. As a result, the audience and visitors from all over the world can access your site without any problem at all.

Creating and updating your portfolio is not a problem at all as the WordPress content management system ensures that you can do so easily. There are newer and newer themes launched every month. If you cannot find a suitable theme currently, chances are within a few weeks, you might find the newly created photography WordPress theme which you might like.


With the help of plug-ins, you can add various functionalities to your website. You can send notifications to the users and also syndicate the contact us form on your site. The features which you can add are limitless. You can install most of the plug-ins with a single click which will allow you to change the functionality of your website exactly as per your requirement.


Even if you want to customize the theme, the cost is less than creating your HTML template or WordPress theme from scratch. The customization cost will be only for the code which needs to be modified or added to your website. It does not require you to pay for the entire. That is why; you can get the look which you want.

The design customization options available in WordPress are the reason why you should think about using WordPress rather than an HTML template or any other content management system for your photography website.

2. Complete control

When you use WordPress on your domain, you will have full control over your website. You can change the look, update content as well as add affiliate links without any problem at all. You can create your diverse photography portfolio quite easily on the WordPress website. You can even enhance the security of your WordPress website and ensure that the speed is on the higher side.

The possibilities are endless. You can customize every aspect of your WordPress website, including creating an automatic backup time and again. If at all, you want to change your hosting providers or want to migrate your data, you can easily do so with the help of WordPress plugins without any problem. Thus, when it comes to controlling, WordPress provides you with 100% control over your website.

3. Easy to use

Many photographers think that they need to hire web designers to create and maintain their website. They are often of the opinion that they cannot deal with the intricacies of a site. They are not nerdy enough. However, all of that can change when you opt for the WordPress content management system. The WordPress CMS ensures that you can operate your website without having any programming or coding knowledge. You don’t need to learn any new programming language to modify or create your site.

The back end of WordPress CMS is so easy to understand that you don’t need to spend hours together updating your portfolio or your photos. You can easily update your portfolio in a few clicks. As a photographer, you would like to devote a maximum amount of time to develop your skills and cater to your clients. That is why; WordPress CMS is the best option for you.

Hundreds of tutorials:

Another advantage of the WordPress CMS is that if you have no idea about updating the post or installing a theme, there are hundreds if not thousands of tutorials available. Most of these tutorials are easy to follow and have a step-by-step description of what you need to do to achieve your goal. As a result, even if you have not used WordPress before, you can quickly learn how to do so within minutes.

When you deal with HTML templates or any other CMS, the support is limited. As a result, the number of videos and tutorials available is also on the lower side. You will face no such problem with WordPress. If you want to save time as well as create and manage your photography website, WordPress is the perfect option for you.

4. Easy to optimize

Most of the photographers rely on their website to get new business. They use a variety of different social media networks and search engines to gain visitors to their website. While you can grow your social media following but to increase visitors from the search engines, it is essential for you to optimize your site. Search engine optimization is the best way to do so.

The advantage which WordPress has to offer is that it consists of a lot of different SEO plugins which you can use. You can install these plug-ins in a single click. Moreover, you can optimize every aspect of your website like:

  • Title
  • Permalink
  • Meta description
  • Meta tag
  • Image description
  • And so on

The optimization of all of these aspects will ensure that your website starts ranking for the long tail keywords naturally. As a result, you can get a small trickle of traffic without building any backlinks or running any SEO campaigns. It facilitates the growth of your business online without spending a significant amount of money. If as a photographer, you want to gain new clients online, WordPress is the perfect option for you.

5. Low cost of operation

There is no need to spend $ 100 per month maintaining and running your website. When it comes to WordPress, you don’t need to hire a web designer; you don’t need to go for expensive hosts, you don’t need to hire someone to update your website on a monthly basis. You can do all of that by yourself. The WordPress hosting options available hardly cost more than $ 25 per month. The overall expenses are on the lower side which enables you to save hundreds of dollars each month.

The lower cost of operation ensures that even when you’re starting as a photographer, you can create and use a WordPress website easily to expand your business. There is no reason why you shouldn’t use WordPress for your photography website.

6. Multilingual CMS

WordPress supports a wide variety of languages. You can even give the option to the users to change the language according to your preference. It will ensure that you can cater to a diverse audience without making any special arrangements. As a result, it will be effortless for you to interact with the users in their native language. When you communicate with the users in their native language, the conversion rate will be on the higher side.

Photographers Website

You can not only set the default language as per the visitor demographics but allow the visitors to change the language as per their preference. The language editor in the backend also enables you to upload content in over 40 different languages. If you want two different versions of your website in different languages, there is a variety of free plugins which can help you do so. The visitors select the right language option from the drop-down menu. Once they choose the right option, the website appears in the language which they prefer. Some of the plug-ins which support this functionality are:

  • User language Switch
  • Multisite Language Switcher
  • Simple Admin Language change

Most of these plug-ins support a wide variety of languages which allows you to offer a variety of language options to your visitors. Thus, you can interact with the visitors in their native language.

So, when you’re creating your website to display your photography portfolio and gain new clients, there is no better option than WordPress. It will not only allow you to create a gorgeous website but also enable you to increase the conversion rate and you get new clients online. The advantages offered by WordPress are unparalleled which makes it imperative for you to use the WordPress CMS.